In Adam's presence she enjoys being his slavish sex-toy, but when alone at his place can't resist snooping into his past, thus finding out about women falling out of love with him and concluding her climbing rescuer is scarily, dangerously jealous, but she has no proof. In no time they get married, despite anonymous warnings not to trust him. London website designer Alice was happy in a stable relationship with reliable, somewhat boring Jake, but quickly dumps him after falling in love at first sight and having wild sex with an overbearing hot hunk, even before she discovers it's the famous mountaineer Adam Tallis, a studly celebrity about whom a book is just being promoted. 21 rows Killing Me Softly torrents - A woman faces deadly consequences for abandoning her loving relationship with her boyfriend to pursue exciting sexual scenarios with a mysterious celebrity mountaineer. You've gotta wonder why they're being handled using the softly-softly approach.

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